Milan Christian Food Pantry News

May 2019


The Milan Christian Food Pantry has some exciting news to share. This past winter, we were notified of a generous donor who wanted to give us the gift of a building.  That donor is Ken Collinson (and his family) a long-time attorney in Milan. He is willing to donate his law office at 225 E 1st Street Milan to the Food Pantry.  This building is on Highway 67 just to the north side of Hardees.

More space

For those of you who are familiar with the building we have been renting for the past 5.5 years, you know that we have been operating in a very cramped space.  We make absolutely the most efficient use of that space that we can possibly do.  Even so, we are constantly bumping into one another as we go about our work there.  This new building has about 50% more space on the first floor for us to utilize, as well as a basement under most of the building.  This additional space is what really excited us about this new opportunity.

May 2020

In May of 2020, the construction of the new facility was completed and we were able to move in.  The additional space available in this building has been a blessing from God.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been operating the pantry differently than we have in the past.  Clients are not allowed in the building, only volunteers. We bag up all the food to be delivered and bring it out and put into the trunk of the client car.  Eventually, when the pandemic restrictions are lifted, we ill welcome clients into our new building where they will be given much more of a choice as to what food they receive.


Since our opening in November 2013, St. Matthew has been a stalwart of support for the Milan Christian Food Pantry. Your ideas, time, food, dollars, and most of all, prayers have helped make the Milan Christian Food Pantry a vital part of Christian benevolence in our community.  We will continue to need that support as we move forward with this exciting new opportunity.


The Milan Christian Food Pantry officially opened on November 4th, 2013. In the first month of operation, it served 185 families, representing 543 people. In 2019, the Pantry is serving about 270 families and about 870 people per month. The Pantry is open on Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and on Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Five area churches, including St. Matthew, are supporting the pantry. The other churches are St. Ambrose, Trinity United Methodist, First Presbyterian, and St. Patrick’s from Andalusia. Kitty Dornbier and Al Nordstrom are serving on the pantry board of directors. The pantry serves the people of Milan, SW Rock Island, Taylor Ridge, and Andalusia. The location of the pantry is 225 E 1st Street.  Food donations for the pantry can be left in the shopping cart in the entryway at church. Monetary donations can be mailed to the Milan Christian Food Pantry, PO Box 333, Milan, IL 61264

The Manager of the Milan Christian Food Pantry is Jody Kerres.  She can be reached at 309-278-3400.

Kitty & Al