Sign up for our E-mail Communications
Below is a list describing the various E-Memos we send out:
Congregation News: News and updates on events and activities for the entire congregation.
Parenting News: Articles related to the vocation of Christian parenting.
Sunday School News: News on our Sunday School and related events.
This Week at St. Matthew: A weekly e-mail sent out each Sunday evening to inform and remind you what will be happening at St. Matthew that week. Additions and updates to our prayer list from the weekend’s services are also included. In each e-mail are links to the weekly bulletin (distributed at Saturday & Sunday services) and the weekly devotion sheet, St. Matthew at Prayer.
Youth News: News and updates for both Senior High Youth and Junior High Youth events and activities.
Youth Parents: Communications for the parents of Junior High and Senior High Youth.
If you would like to receive any or all of these e-mails, click on the button below. You will then be taken to a page to enter your e-mail address and choose which e-mail lists you would like to join.